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Teaching Persistence through Physical Activity

posted: 21 December 2019

Few would dispute the desirability of children developing persistence in the face of difficulty. Many would feel that physical activities can contribute to this development, and would occasionally refer to this (or the more vague concept of developing "character") as a justification of the prominence of Games in school life. Yet watching many schools' attempts at "cross country" or middle distance Athletics would suggest that the unintended consequence is that many pupils are learning to give up in the face if difficulty. And even more are not learning how to persist: they are simply demonstrating an existing capacity....

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Don't Assume the Honour of Selection

posted: 21 December 2019

It's quite instructive to ask pupils what they like most about taking part in school sport. The Learning Objectives determined for them by the National Curriculum (acquiring and applying skill, understanding health and fitness) are predictably unimportant to teenagers. What do they value about team games? Why do they devote their leisure time to practices and matches, and why do many adults regard school sport as a lifetime highlight?

The answer lies predominantly in "mateship". The simple enjoyment of companionable activity, of striving together towards a common goal. The world of adult sport shares these values. It...

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RFU Clarification - Goggles

posted: 21 December 2019


As you may be aware, the RFU and Constituent Bodies have received a number of complaints over the last season relating to the prohibition on sports goggles in all contact rugby at all ages. Discussions and considerable efforts have therefore been taking place internally for some time and the RFU has been liaising closely with the Association of British Dispensing Opticians to develop a practical solution to provide a wider degree of flexibility to enable great social inclusion in Rugby Union.

The RFU has therefore decided to introduce in England a trial that would enable...

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