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Can you Coach Creativity?

posted: 21 December 2019

Everyone loves creative players. They are the ones who light up sport, provide the wow, the priceless, memorable moments. The flashes of genius that win the game. They are so important to sport, both the results and the beauty that underlies it. They are the household names. They are memorable. They are disproportionately important.

It would be logical therefore, if the development of creativity dominated the debate regarding sports coaching. In schools, clubs and National Governing Bodies. Creativity has everything: effectiveness, desirability, inspiration. But little attention.

Much coaching is aimed at the average player. Drills,...

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The Impact of "Tough" Coaches in School Sport

posted: 21 December 2019

Tough is a bad quality in meat, maths and luck. But in coaching, it is often represented as a positive characteristic - and often associated with success. Especially in environments where success equals finishing the game with more points than the opposition. But at what cost?

What do "tough" coaches do? They shout a lot. They are intolerant of error, and of views other than their own. They are autocratic and don't welcome debate or criticism. They are convinced of the route to success, and don't encourage any departure from this. They are risk averse, and therefore...

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Where is the 'Physical' in Physical Education?

posted: 21 December 2019

There has always been controversy regarding the level of desirable physical activity in Physical Education and Games lessons. It goes to the core of what PE is supposed to be. Is it education of the physical - or through the physical? It is a fundamental issue, though not one often seen on the agenda of PE department meetings. Curiously.

Even the Government feels a need to contribute to the debate, expressing a view that there should be greater physical endeavour in primary PE lessons, in order to improve fitness levels.

But is the point of...

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