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Making Sport a Force for Good in Schools

Making Sport a Force for Good in Schools

posted: 01 October 2024

The historic significance of sport is still visible in many schools. It is immediately evident in the honours boards, international jerseys, colours systems and Sports Day trophies that often go back more than 100 years. Attending that are the special mechanisms which recognise the top performers. In some schools the caps, blazers and ties are still coveted currency; in others they have been consigned to the archives, but live on in the team photos which often still line the walls. There is a clear, but unintended, consequence: an implication that the sports prowess of a small number of top performers...

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Let’s Get Behind School Rugby

Let’s Get Behind School Rugby

posted: 09 May 2024

It’s not an easy time for school Rugby. Nor, indeed, the coaches who are running it – or the heads of the schools which play it. Safety concerns, and bad news stories, abound. There is vanishingly little positive press, to the ongoing frustration of those who believe in the capacity of the game to enhance lives.

But maybe reports of its death are premature. Despite predictions to the contrary, many children continue to love the game, as much as they ever did. The regular routine of training and playing provides a high point of the Autumn Term. Weekend contests...

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Some Good News for School Rugby

Some Good News for School Rugby

posted: 12 April 2024

For the great majority of schools who play Rugby, the season is in its final days. Few indeed maintain a two term programme through the teeth of the winter any longer. The weather may not be better after Christmas, but a little sporting variety helps the season pass. And games like Soccer and Hockey don’t require as much lying in the mud.

It’s not an easy time for school Rugby – or the coaches who are running it. Safety concerns, and bad news stories, abound. In previous eras, the challenge was to get 15 boys to score more points...

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