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Why is the world obsessed with warm up?

posted: 21 December 2019

Across the world, in every school with a playground, the bell goes and children run out and start playing. Rare is the group that assembles under its own initiative for either static or ballistic stretching, or other activities recommended by the National Curriculum for their capacity to "accustom the body to the demands of exercise". Curiously, equally rare is the playground strewn with paramedics and stretchers struggling to keep pace with the children suffering muscle injuries in limbs surprised by the intensity of exercise into soft tissue damage.

It has long been accepted by scientists that "(before...

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Are Games Worth the Time we Spend on Them?

posted: 21 December 2019

The average Year Nine pupil in an English boarding school spends 175 minutes a week on Maths. And about the same on English. This is a total of 350 minutes a week on what are generally regarded as the two most important academic subjects. Combined.

The same pupil spends an average of 400 minutes on compulsory PE and Games. Regardless of ability, aptitude or enthusiasm. It would be reasonable to assume from these figures that there is an important and undeniable benefit to all pupils from this level of participation. So what is it?


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Competition or Co-operation? Win-at-all-costs v the London Borough of Brent? Bad v Good? Taking part is more important than winning?

posted: 21 December 2019

Competition is what sporting contests are founded on. Yet after thousands of years, the concept still sits uncomfortably, especially in schools. Few schools are genuinely comfortable answering the fundamental question, "How Important is Winning?" Everyone wants to win, though those who are really driven by it are reluctant to confess this dark urge in civilised company. And even winning isn't enough. Some winning is better than others. Winning through adventurous, expressive, attacking play is somehow more worthy than just winning. Winning through breathtaking, skilled performance attracts more adulation than risk free, efficient triumphs. It can't all be the product...

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