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Educating Parents to Want the Best in the Right Way

posted: 21 December 2019

Ask most Directors of Sport what they like least about their job, and dealing with parents is never far from the surface. Unreasonable demands, intrusion on selection, unrealistic ambition, outrageous touchline behaviour are worldwide phenomenon. Everyone wears their horror stories as badges of honour: it's a race to the bottom, "If you think your parents are bad, listen to this..."

Educating children is relatively easy. They are aware of the need to learn, respectful (generally) of the omnipotence of teachers and readily influenced. Their parents can be in sharp contrast. In an environment where the need for...

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What Does Great Coaching Look Like?

posted: 21 December 2019

One of the greatest challenges facing the leader of a coaching programme, in any environment, is controlling the quality of provision across the organisation. Ensuring a continuity of message, and consistently effective delivery is the essence of the role of Director of Sport. In walking the playing fields, courts and halls to measure this assumes that quality coaching practice can be relatively readily identified. So, what should it look like?

A pitch that has a sea of equipment, and enough cones to land a light aircraft, may flatter to deceive. It may not address the question: what engages the...

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Maintaining the Aspirational Pathway

posted: 21 December 2019

Enthusiasm for team games is rampant amongst pre adolescents. In most independent schools, voluntary Year Seven games practices will attract approximately 75% of pupils. The challenge is to cope with large numbers, and yet still produce competitive teams. A significant minority of schools forbid some pupils from attending "squad" practices, through processes of selection (and rejection) of ruthless efficiency. The less able and experienced cannot be allowed to consume resources that undermine the chances of the most able enjoying victory in school matches.

Those same schools engage between 10 and 33% of Sixth Formers...

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