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The Two Ways of Improving Sports Performance

posted: 21 December 2019

The Two Ways of Improving Sports Performance

The industry of coaching, sports and schools is about improving performance. Of individuals, and teams.

There are two ways of doing this: the formula is simple

PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT = REDUCTION (of error and inefficiency) + INCREASE (of creativity and magic)

Much of the culture of sport in Britain is focussed on the former. Performers are measured against various criteria, and their level of failure is noted. A percentage of failed passes: a statistic for shots on target, or carries made, tackle count, or centre...

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Convincing Parents of the Benefits of Games

posted: 21 December 2019

English-style schools are the only rugby environment in the world where the participation in outdoor team games is compulsory. Since Tom Brown's Schooldays various forms of football have been an obligatory part of education. Compulsory Hockey and Netball are not far behind. Many children have developed a long, life-enriching love affair with games as a result - and bequeathed this enthusiasm to their children. Others have had an excruciating experience and established an equally passionate loathing of what they perceive as a pointless, painful and protracted activity. Both constituencies are sufficiently large in number that they must have some...

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Why Schools Need Rugby More Than Ever

posted: 21 December 2019

It was inevitable. In a culture so risk averse, it is perhaps only surprising that it took so long for Rugby to come under attack from the safety politburo. Recent publicity has highlighted the danger of the game to children, frequency of injury (claimed to be 18%), risk of concussion and catastrophe. The impact of this will surely be felt in schools, and compulsory rugby will come further under attack.

What is the answer? Fewer schools will maintain their appetite to challenge parental demand, and more "exceptions" will be made to the previously inviolate requirement for all...

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