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Rugby Retention Survey January 2019

posted: 31 August 2020


The purpose of the survey was to track levels of contact Rugby participation in independent school, and the rate of attrition in each year group. The aspiration was to provide schools with a benchmark for the retention level of their programmes.


Percentage of boys in each year group playing contact Rugby Football

Year Group Day Schools Day/Boarding* Boarding 7 94 80 8 82 72 9 46 64 94 10 38 55 90 11 31 48 73 12 28 35 55 13 27 34 50

*Defined as a school with at least 25% pupils...

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Teaching the Love of Running

posted: 31 August 2020

Most small children love running. They need little encouragement to do so. Primary, and prep, school playgrounds are full of the constant buzz of physical activity. PE lessons featuring running and athletic activities are enthusiastically pursued.

Fast forward ten years. The great majority of adolescents are reluctant runners. House Cross Country events rarely present a school at its best. Lessons with a substantial running component quickly categorise themselves into the compliant athletes, the reluctant runners and the early walkers.

And yet another ten years further on, many of the same people have returned to running. Park Run, Race...

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The Intoxicating Place of Risk Taking in School Sport

posted: 21 December 2019

Adventure has always been part of being human. From the early explorers who discovered that the world wasn’t as flat as it seemed, through to the invention of the Gap year. Discovery, surprise and uncertainty have always held appeal. Unpredictability is always potentially exciting or terrifying – and has been since dinosaurs roamed the planet.

This human inclination is repressed by a risk assessment culture. The principle of foreseeing and denying risk is at odds with the fundamental appeal of novelty and discovery. It might be sensible and functional, but it opposes the human desire for excitement.


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