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What is the Future of the Boys’ Spring Term Games Programme ?

posted: 21 December 2019

There is an illogical irony in the boys’ Spring Term Games Programme of most independent schools. In the shortest term, in the worst of the winter weather, there are more competitive sports than any other term. This has created unsustainable overcrowding. Other terms also have a wide range of sporting activities on offer to pupils. However, the Spring Term is different. Most sports at that time of year are all aimed at the most able pupils, with the result that the same boys run from one activity to another. Practices are conducted at all sorts of unlikely times in order...

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What's the Purpose of PE in Independent Schools?

posted: 21 December 2019

Independent schools have always been relatively clear about the position of games. For more than 150 years, the sector has agreed that games should play a central role in the life of these schools, that participation should be compulsory, and that competition with other schools is an integral part of this programme.

Team games in particular have enjoyed unquestioned primacy, based on a Victorian belief that they developed "character", and that they were an essential part of education. Wherever British education was exported, games went with it. Initially to the Empire, and then to the developing world....

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Distracted by Coaching Technical Skills?

posted: 21 December 2019

Would you rather be remembered as a great team mate, or a skilled technician? A "top man" or a top passer? A hardworking and selfless team man, or an individual prodigy?

When Stephen Covey articulated the concept "Begin with the End in Mind", he established a methodology that allowed short term strategies to be examined against long term aims. And exposed that these are often inconsistent.

Most games coaching is clearly built to deliver technical outcomes. Skills, drills, warm ups, conditioned games and cool downs feature prominently. UKCC coaching...

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